
Welcome to my new opinion blog, JOYpinions.

My name is Joyce and I am currently a 4th year college student at UCSD, majoring in Physiology and Neuroscience and minoring in Humanities. I’ve heard a few times that because of my unrelated interests, I’m a modern Renaissance Woman. However, I don’t believe in labels, I’m just a girl who enjoys what I find enjoyable.

Before I entered college, I really had no idea where my passions lie. Is it music? Art? Literature? The sciences? The maths? I had no idea. All I knew was that I am going to go to medical school one day and get my MD. However, that was simply my goal; I didn’t really consider it as my passion. Yet, over a few months, I have begun to incorporate some of my newly found interest in developing myself as a future doctor. This doesn’t mean that I am unfocused in pursuing a singular goal. Rather, I am expanding my perception of knowledge and absorbing a wide variety of interests only to vortex it down to a singular entity: Joyce Lee.

After I entered my sophomore year, I finally discovered what my hobby is: to give my opinions on a variety of topics, whether it be on politics, food, social movements, ideas, games, pretty much everything, really. This is one of the reasons why I decided to start this WordPress, to share my opinions with the public on topics that are relevant in today’s society.

My other reason is accredited to the Humanities courses I had to take in order to fulfill my college requirements. These classes that seem dreadful and meaningless to most students I know actually played an important role in helping me find my passion. I have realized that I have always looked forward to exploring ancient yet modern ideas, discussing about these ideas’ implications toward modern lives, and how these ideas have shaped our society into the one we live in today. The humanities became my favorite topic to discuss; therefore, I decided to declare a Humanities minor, where I will be able to take a lot more upper division classes dedicated to the love for the human intellectual through different works of art, whether it be literature or history.

This blog is going to help me practice sharing my opinions in a presentable way. I hope that each topic I bring up is going to either be entertaining, informational, or debatable. Over the years, I’ve been told that some of my stances on topics tend to be very controversial; however, keep in mind that my intentions are never to insult others. My opinions are just that, opinions. I have mine and you have yours. I am open to all of your opinions, so please be open with mine as well.

Enjoy what I have to say and as always, questions and comments are always welcome.




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